Sunday, April 1, 2012

Living room revamped!

So we have steadily been working on painting the living room and we are finally finished and so i wanted to show you. I also picked up some great little finds to add to the room too.

These cute little wicker balls worked great to add some nice coral orange color to the room.
Found them at Marshall's for like $6.

Every blog I see has a cute little basket in the living room to put all the little extras that you need to take back to the rooms they belong to. In my house with three kids and a bigger kid (my hubby) I could definitely use this. So I found a great one that went really great with the decor! Found at Marshall's for $9.99

These are my favorite find I think! They are our "guest" pillows. That means they will only be out when we have company and no kiddos to ruin them since they are a beautiful pure white! Also found at Marshall's for $16.99/each.

Our TV area....I still think we need to do something else with the storage ottomans but for now they are good. We will eventually move the TV over the fireplace so we will be able to rearrange the furniture differently to allow more space in the room. I do love our family photos of the kids and B and I on either side of the TV though!

And this is the back wall beside the kitchen and has my cute little everything basket in the corner!
So there you have it...all our hard work has made a beautiful new space and we just love it...

Next project:
New landscaping to the front yard to get ready for spring!



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